
Anteism is a Canadian publisher working with galleries and artists to produce unique art books. Our blog showcases the books we produce and the artist books we love!

Canadian Artist "Other" / Troy Lovegates Book

We wanted to give you guys a quick sneak peak preview of a project we are really excited to be working on. This video showcases a mockup which demonstrates what the limited edition Other book will look like. There will be 100 copies of the hand bound hardcover produced. These copies include a screen-printed cover, block printed endpages printed by the artist himself, embossed title page (that's where you see the hand doing a little circle in the video). This full colour book will highlight murals,trains and snapshots by Mr Troy Lovegates.  Sign-up on our mailing list to get an advanced heads up before the book goes on sale. The 100 limited copies are expected to go near instantly. Look forward to the book coming out in early 2010.

Other aka Troylovegate's new hardcover book by Anteism

Other aka Troylovegate's new book by Anteism