
Anteism is a Canadian publisher working with galleries and artists to produce unique art books. Our blog showcases the books we produce and the artist books we love!

Warren Craghead - The Surf & The Face - Free Zine

Warren Craghead's new mini book / zine is available to download through his website. While your there checkout his other book, collage and drawing works or info at his blog.

*Update: Warren has a new DIY zine available called "a circle, a sphere."

The Surf and The Face

Download the d.i.y. PDF here (16.7mb)

Released under a Creative Commons License, Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

To make the book, print the PDF on either side of a single sheet of 8.5 x 11 in. (21.5 x 28 cm) paper.Starting with the side with text facing you (page 1 of the PDF) and the text area in the bottom left, fold in half towards you onceleft to right, then once top to bottom, then once morein half. The cover of the book is the image shgown here.Staple and then cut any attached adges.